Letter to Editor Format, Topics, Samples and Tips for Class 9 to Class 12

Letter to Editor Format, Topics, Samples and Tips for Class 9 to Class 12

Letter to Editor Format, Topis, Samples and Tipd for Class 9 to Class 12


Welcome to the article “Letter to Editor Format, Topics, Samples and Tips for Class 9 to Class 12”. In this article, we at Education Mantras provide you format, samples and tips  of letter to editor for Class 9 to Class 12. This article will help the learners of Class 9 to Class 12 to under the format of letter to editor. It also contained topics of letter writing to write to the editors of various newspapers. The tips of letter writing are necessary and beneficial for the students of above mentioned classes. This format is based on the letter writings that are written to the editors. These types of letters are useful for publishing in the magazines and newspapers so that our students can learn how they can place the problems of the society before the concerned officials.

Table of Contents

What is a Letter to Editor?

A Letter to the editor is a formal piece of writing which is written to address the editor of any newspaper or magazine. This letter is written to express our opinions, raise our concerns, and give suggestions on various social, political, cultural, environmental and political issues. The sole purpose of writing this letter is to make attention of people on particular matters. This letter is published in the editorial section of newspaper or magazine.

Format of a Letter to Editor

To write a successful letter to the editor, a precise format is required which helps in writing the letter. Its format is given below:

Address of the Sender:

Your address should be written in the upper left corner of the page. Do not include your name here.

Like for example:

MC Colony

Ward No. 01

Charkhi Dadri- 127306


Insert the date in the format DD/MM/YYYY next to the address of the sender.

Like For Example: 19 January, 2025

Address of Receiver:

Add the title and the recipient’s address after the date.

Like for Example:

The Editor

The Hindustan Times

New Delhi


The goal of you letter should be expressed briefly and clearly. You can add just only one line to write the subject.


The editor should be addressed with “Sir/Madam.”

Body of the Letter:

There should be three paragraphs in the body of the letter:

Paragraph 1: You can write the introduction of concerned topic in the first paragraph of the letter.

Paragraph 2: You can discuss the issue along with the facts, observations and personal experiences in the second paragraph of the letter.

Paragraph 3: In the third paragraph, you can write the suggestion or remainder of action in the final lines of the letter.

Complimentary Close:

You can finish the letter using such type of phrases given below:

“Thanking you.”

“Yours obediently/faithfully/Sincerely.”

Name and Designation of the Sender:

Write the name and designation at the end of the letter:

For Example:

Ajay Malik

Student, Class 12

Popular Topics for the Letter to Editor

Students can write the letter to the on the following concern topics:

Environmental Issues:

  1.  The letter on deforestation and its impact.
  2. The letter on the requirement of strict pollution measures.
  3. The letter on water conservation and rain water harvesting.
  4. The letter on topic change in climate and its impacts in the society.
  5. The letter on reducing the amount of plastic waste in cities.

Social Concerns:

  1. The letter on the important role of gender equality.
  2. The letter on increasing cases of cyber bullying.
  3. The letter on reducing the judgement associated with mental health.
  4. The letter on youth’s contribution in nation building.
  5. The letter on safety precautions for women.

Educational Concerns:

  1. Letter on the importance of implementing mental health education in educational institutes like school and colleges.
  2. Letter on the challenges of online learning during pandemic.
  3. Letter on the suggestions for improving education system.
  4. Letter on the need of Vocational training in education system.
  5. Letter on the importance of technology in modern education.

Political Concerns:

  1. Letter for the welfare of stray animals.
  2. Letter on the poor traffic controls and road conditions.
  3. Letter on need for cleanliness drives in cities.
  4. Letter on the efficient techniques for the separation of waste.

Political Awareness:

  1. Letter on the importance of voting for young people.
  2. Letter on the concerns about censorship and free speech.
  3. Letter on dealing with false information in digital India.
  4. Letter on promoting the values of democracy.

Health and Well Being:

  1.  Letter on encouraging children to eat healthily.
  2. Letter on increasing cases of lifestyle diseases.
  3. Letter on the importance of regular medical checkups.
  4. Letter on the need for reasonably priced medical facilities.
  5. Letter on the awareness of mental health concerns.

Sample Letters to Editor

Sample 1: Letter on the importance of  voting for young people

MC Colony

Ward no. 18

Charkhi Dadri- 127306

18 January 2025

The Editor

The Hindustan Times

Charkhi Dadri- 127306

Subject: Importance of Voting for Young People


Through the renowned columns of your newspaper, I want to draw your attention to the lack of interest in voting in young generation. Today’s generation is not interested in political issues. The young people seemed to be astray from the issues related to the country. It is important to tell them how much role they play in shaping the democracy of our country.

The young generation is under the illusion that democracy is the right of only the rich. They also believe that people join it to do social services but then they get involved in the corruption.They have seen the fraud and conspiracies of politicians which makes him think that this kind of politics is not right for running the country.

This opinion of the youth of our country is taking them away from election activities. All the youth of our country are not being given the opportunity to serve the country so that they can participate in government job and other skilled job. If today’s youth needs to be aware about the politics then it will be used to tell about the influential people who have made significant contribution to the countries politics. All of them csn take the help of newspapers, television and different social media platforms through which these people are connected  and the influential people of the present society can play their important role in sharing their views on Indian politics. Kindly write this youth related problem in the column of your newspaper.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

Ajay Malik

Class : 12

Sample 2: Letter to Editor on the Needs of Cleanliness Drives in Cities

Lajpat Nagar

New Delhi- 11001

09 February 2025

The Editor

The Times of India

New Delhi

Subject: Urgent Need for Cleanliness Drives in City


Through the renowned columns of newspaper, I, Ajay, want to draw your attention towards the garbage spread in the city. This proplem is increasing day by day in the city and another problemis that along with it, both the air and of the surrounding are getting destroyed. The employees of Muncipal Committee are not doing their work properly. They also also come at irregular times and dispose of the garbage.

Tips for Writing an Effective Letter to Editor

  • Be Simple: Use simple and clear language to get your message to across the editor.
  • Remain Significance: Instead of writing random things in the letter we should directly write on the subject on which we want to write the letter.
  • Maintain Official Tone: You know that the letter to the editor is a formal letter, so it would never be right to use casual language in it because this letter does not make the letter formal.
  • Provide Proof: When you write a letter to the editor, you can give some examples as proof, which will help the editor in understanding.
  • Be Respectful: While writing the letter, make sure that your language should be very respectful and you should write this letter without blaming anyone.
  • Proofread and Edit: When you write a letter to the editor you should check the grammar errors and spelling mistakes. Proofreading is necessary for every letter writer to make the letter error free.

Why is it Important Write a Letter to Editor?

Ther are various kinds of reasons to write a letter to the editor:

  1. It gives opportunities to the learners or students to raise  their voices through the letter.
  2. Writing a letter to the editor promotes the social awareness and civic responsibility in the society.
  3.  It is helpful to enchance the formal writing skills of the learners or students, it is also helpful for the academic and professional success of every individual.


Mastering the art of writing letter to editor is not just good for academics but also help students connect with society. To increase the skill of writing letter to the editor, in this article we can easily understand the format, topics and samples for letter to be written to editor which is very useful for students of Class 9 t0 12. In this article, prepared by Education Mantras, you can easily know about the essential things for writing a letter to editor. Our purpose is to make you aware about how to write a letter to editor in correct manner.

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